Thursday, October 1, 2009

I have a mustache!

First, I shaved off my beard and now I have a gunslinger mustache. Pictures will come, I promise. Tom also has a creepy Mexi-stache. They won't last long, I hope.

Secondly, since Bonnie asked, I went to church a few weeks ago and apparently forgot to mention it here. It was an Assembly of God church, which I thought sounded normal, but the service was pretty intense. We started off with hymns, which were mostly praise-and-worship style songs, but it turned into cacophony very quickly. There was a praise band, but they were the world's most avant-garde praise band. They just hit things out of time and a trumpeter went wild, with the preacher shouting. People were rolling around on the floor and flailing wildly or laying prostrate. Then everyone stopped singing and simply shouted out prayers, all different. It was as loud as a rock concert and my ears rang afterwards. After that, there was a sermon focusing on working hard and making money, I believe. There were 4 collections, and at the end they had all the new people stand up in front and say our names and why we were there. It was a good experience overall, but strange because of the music and the fact that there was no gospel reading and just one short reading at all.

Yet again, I'd write more but my computer is out of batteries.


  1. They were probably trippin on E ;)
    I miss you baby! Glad to see you're having a good time.
    <3 Laura
