After a fun night of climbing on my roof (not easy, and apparently it wakes up my roommates) we left for the Cape Coast in South-Central Ghana on Saturday. In Ghana, they put speed bumps on their highways. It's absolutely terrible, and as we passed a Ghana Department of Transportation building on the way I considered stopping to complain. Once in Cape Coast, we went to Cape Coast Castle, built by the British in 16?? to do terrible things to slaves. It was an awfully depressing place, but the town nearby was very scenic. I got a few other nice photos. They had some cultural artifacts in an interesting museum, and pictures from the Obama's recent visit. There was a great one of Malia picking her nose (seriously.)
Then it was on to Elmina Castle, which was equally depressing, only built in 14?? by the Portuguese. It included the first church in Ghana, which was kind of cool but not in any way pretty or anything. There was even a sign saying a Bible verse about how God was in the room - the guide explained that it implied that God was not in the rest of the castle, where they were busy killing and raping slaves. We also got a sweet group picture.
Fortunately it was time for crocodiles next. We got to visit a cheesy restaurant built on a croc pond, and had entirely too good of a time taking pictures and being scared by the large, toothy animals. This one was my favorite.
After that, it was on to a big festival in Cape Coast. My com
Er.... Cape Coast Castle was built in 1653 By the Swedes as a hub for timber and gold transport. It was later taken over by the Brits and used in the slave trade. -- Thank you Wikipedia ;)
crocodiles are awesome